LIfe wide learning Mooc
Why do teachers and students stay indoors to teach and learn, when they could go outside and interact with the community and surroundings of the school?
Shakespeare said, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” We say – All the world is a classroom and all of us merely students.
Hello! We are teachers from the Amal Educational Network in Israel. our network has about 52 educational institutions across the country, including high schools, junior high schools and colleges, with a total enrollment of over 31,000 students.
Amal is motivated by a vision of innovation and entrepreneurship, and is constantly developing and experimenting with new tools, pedagogies, and practices.
Today, we invite you to join us on an exciting journey to Learn Your Life.
The journey begins with our online course on location- and community-based learning – “Life-Wide Learning.”
Through our course, you would learn how to teach your students using the streets, houses, neighborhoods and people’s stories, all around them. Exploring the world around using Life-Wide Learning, you will discover the invisible history, knowledge, stories, and culture of their immediate surroundings, using a simple technology that everyone has on his own cellphone/tablet. This will immerse the learners in their community, city history, and even their own family history.
As you can see, in a simple, yet effective six-steps model, your students will research the history of the community and make it accessible, free of charge, via cell phones to the community, giving back the invisible, once forgotten stories.
By giving voice to things otherwise overlooked in the public space, you will have the chance to personally affect the community itself, and enable a bottom-up process; the students’ content filters up into the urban public space. By discovering their ability to influence and interact with the urban fabric, this type of learning not only fosters the students’ sense of belonging and pride to their school and city, but also pride in having been able to give back to the community.
And What invisible voices does your city evoke? Lets explore it together!
The Team members: Refaella Ballas – Team leader
Sigal Almi-Melman , Hagai Geffen, Maayan Nelson, Nurit Dekalo, Amos Raban, Shai Nisan, Or Menachem

Chapter 1 – Lifewide learning with the Amal Educational Network
We are teachers from the Amal Educational Network. We wish to offer you a course using location and community based learning. Through our course, you will teach your students using merely the streets, houses, neighborhoods and people’s stories all around them, using digital technology. We call it “Lifewide learning”. In this chapter, we will introduce the rational, and some inspirational examples.

Chapter 2 – “Lifewide Learning” Model (User’s Guide A)
In the previous chapter we demonstrated the concept of “LifeWide Learning” and presented a few inspirational examples. We ended with an investigation of the place you have decided to focus on. Now, we will introduce the Livewide model, within six practical steps.
First, we will watch a video that provides an overview of the research process steps, then we will explain each step in details.
In the video:
Step 1 – Choosing the place
Step 2 – Initial testing and planning
Step 3 – Research
Step 4 – Information processing

Chapter 3 – “Lifewide Learning” Model (User’s Guide B)
How Do You Do That? In this chapter we will focus on possible final outcomes of “Lifewide Learning.” “User’s Guide Part 2” is dealing with the Product Components
In the Video: Step 5 – Preparing the final product

Chapter 4 – Reflection and Evaluation
In this chapter – we would like to integrate Multiple Intelligence – into an evaluation indicator, and reflection feedback.
In the Video: Step 6 – Reflection and Evaluation
Contact Person: Refaella Ballas,